Monday, 15 October 2012


We went a piking.

We went with an expert (Phil) to a small lake not 4 miles from where we live. We went with Phil, 'cos we had no idea of how to unhook them. I've put my fingers into some strange things in the past; but sorry, unhooking a pike was something I was seriously worried about.!
Cheers to Phil for making it look so easy. Bone and me unhooked our pike and they went on their way, without damage. Good instructions, unhooking mat, barbless hooks, and some seriously long pliers.

A tiddler
Bone has a bigger one than me
Bone went the next day and caught the SAME fish. Shows how well we looked after them.

The point of this latest post is: Don't go fishing for pike if you are not confident or do not know how to unhook them. They are beautiful fish, give a good account of themselves and deserve the same care as you would with any fish you are releasing.


  1. Loving the piking Commo, proper scary unhooking even the small ones, we're you spinning ?
    Lets get out on the ltd boat on rudyard....

    1. I'm up for that Glen. Going to do a bit more half term. I also fancy doing some river piking. I'm just so busy with work I am finding it difficult to get out. PS them silicone shrimps look nice!
      We were dapping home made eels, tripping the surface on 9 metre poles. Deadly...

  2. Wow that's some method that must be right heart stopping stuff...
    Yeah llooking to see if the shrimp takes some of the big ladies this winter...
    Speak soon

  3. yep. Guess what... I went yesterday and caught Mick's girl friend again from the opposite bank! She is a silly lady or likes it.. We not going again as we don't want to catch her another time. She needs a rest.
